
Flooring plays a vital role in any space, be it a home, office, or commercial building. Beyond enhancing the room’s overall look, it serves as the foundation for daily activities. When exploring flooring options, cost becomes a pivotal consideration. It’s essential to carefully assess the cost alongside factors like durability, maintenance, and installation to make an informed decision.

In this article, we’ll delve into various flooring options and their associated costs. Our focus will be on understanding the relationship between cost and durability across different flooring choices. Emphasising the importance of opting for high-quality flooring, we aim to assist you in selecting the best option that offers optimal value for money, considering your specific needs and budget.


Types of Flooring

Choosing the right flooring for your space involves considering various options, each with unique features and price points. To assist you in making an informed decision, we will discuss the most common types of flooring and their associated costs.

1. Screeds (cement: sand; concrete; granolithic)

Screeds stand out as a popular flooring choice, valued for their versatility and cost-effectiveness. Common materials like cement, sand, concrete, and granolithic each bring their own benefits and considerations.

The cost of screeds is generally lower than alternative flooring options, making them appealing to budget-conscious individuals. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that screeds may not match the durability of some alternatives, potentially leading to higher long-term maintenance and replacement costs.

Opting for high-quality screed materials can enhance durability and yield long-term savings. For instance, using a superior grade of cement or incorporating reinforcement can bolster screeds against wear and tear.

In essence, screeds strike a favourable balance between cost and durability. When selecting the right type of screed for your flooring, consider the specific needs and budget of your project. With proper maintenance and installation, screeds offer a reliable and cost-effective option for various spaces.

2. Floors; mastic asphalt

Mastic asphalt, commonly used in commercial and industrial settings, is prized for its durability and strength. Comprising asphalt, mineral fillers, and aggregates, it’s heated and applied to create a solid, seamless floor. Though more costly than some alternatives, mastic asphalt provides excellent long-term value, enduring heavy traffic and resisting water and chemicals. Its smooth surface facilitates easy cleaning and maintenance. Notably, specialised installation by experienced professionals is essential. Despite the upfront investment, choosing mastic asphalt flooring can yield long-term savings due to its longevity and low maintenance needs.

3. Hardwood

When choosing flooring, cost and durability are top considerations. Hardwood flooring stands out for its timeless beauty and long-lasting durability. Despite a higher upfront cost, investing in high-quality hardwood proves cost-effective in the long run. Recognised for its longevity, hardwood flooring can endure for decades with proper maintenance. Solid hardwood, although pricier than engineered hardwood, can be refinished multiple times, adding significant value. For optimal value, explore hardwood options like maple, oak, or hickory, combining high durability with a relatively affordable cost.

4. Laminate

When evaluating flooring options, it’s crucial to look beyond the upfront cost and consider the long-term maintenance and upkeep expenses. Laminate flooring, known for its affordability, requires careful consideration of its durability and maintenance requirements.

While laminate is a cost-effective option, its susceptibility to scratches and water damage may result in more frequent replacements. To minimise long-term costs, opt for high-quality laminate with a thicker wear layer and practice proper maintenance, including using furniture pads and promptly cleaning up spills.

When assessing costs, factor in the installation method for laminate flooring. DIY installation may save money but can lead to costly mistakes. Employing a professional installer ensures a proper and long-lasting installation.

Negotiating with flooring contractors and obtaining multiple quotes is a prudent step to secure the best deal and budget effectively for your flooring project. Consider hidden costs, such as the removal and disposal of old flooring. By accounting for these factors, you can make an informed decision and select the most suitable laminate flooring option for your budget and needs.

5. Vinyl

When assessing flooring options, vinyl stands out for its affordability and diverse styles. However, the cost of vinyl varies based on several factors.

Location plays a crucial role; installing vinyl in high-traffic or moisture-prone areas may incur additional preparation and labour costs. The installation method also influences costs. While DIY seems budget-friendly, potential mistakes and extra materials should be considered. Hiring a professional may have a higher upfront cost, but it ensures proper installation, saving money in the long run.

Factor in additional services, like removing and disposing of old flooring, when negotiating the best deal for vinyl flooring installation.

For cost savings on vinyl flooring, compare quotes from multiple contractors and capitalise on sales and discounts. Additionally, exploring alternatives such as vinyl plank flooring can provide a more budget-friendly option compared to traditional vinyl sheets.

6. Tile

Tile flooring, renowned for its popularity and durability, offers a range of materials, styles, and price points. When assessing tile flooring costs, it’s crucial to consider both the material and installation expenses. Ceramic and porcelain tiles generally prove more affordable than natural stone tiles. Additionally, the intricacy of the tile pattern and any special finishes can influence the overall cost.

Labour is a significant factor in installation, as tile installation is both time-consuming and labour-intensive. The type of adhesive and underlayment used also contributes to the cost, and special preparations like subfloor levelling can increase the overall expenditure.

To economise on tile flooring, contemplate DIY installation if you possess the necessary skills and tools. Another cost-saving measure is purchasing tiles during sales or exploring alternatives such as remnants or discontinued styles. As with any flooring choice, it’s essential to calculate the total project cost and budget accordingly, considering hidden expenses like the removal and disposal of old flooring. By weighing these factors, you can select the tile flooring option that aligns with your budget and aesthetic preferences.

7. Carpet

Carpet stands out as a popular flooring choice for its softness, warmth, and affordability. However, when evaluating carpet costs, it’s vital to consider long-term maintenance and replacement expenses. Depending on the quality and type of carpet, it may necessitate frequent vacuuming and professional cleaning to preserve its appearance and longevity. Moreover, carpet may not be ideal for high-traffic areas or homes with pets, as it can be prone to staining or damage. It’s essential to weigh these factors when opting for carpet as a flooring choice. To economise on the carpet, consider purchasing during sales or opting for a lower pile option. Hiring a professional installer is also recommended to ensure proper installation and prevent costly mistakes. By thoughtfully considering both cost and maintenance factors, carpet can prove to be a cost-effective flooring option for specific areas of the home.

8. Stone

Stone flooring is a popular choice, prized for its durability and natural beauty. Yet, when opting for this option, it’s crucial to assess the cost factors. The expense of stone flooring varies based on the stone type and pattern complexity, with additional costs for special finishes.

Considering stone flooring entails factoring in installation labour costs and any special preparation needs. Adhesives and underlayment may be necessary, contributing to the overall expense.

Stone flooring excels in high-traffic areas due to its resistance to wear and tear. It’s also suitable for moisture-prone spaces like bathrooms and kitchens. However, it may not be the ideal choice for those with allergies, as it can trap dust and allergens.

In terms of sustainability, stone flooring is a responsible choice because it is a natural material. Yet, it may demand more maintenance and cleaning compared to other options.

When choosing stone flooring, align your decision with your budget, as it spans from budget-friendly to premium. Also, consider hidden costs, such as the removal and disposal of old flooring.

While stone flooring offers durability and beauty, careful consideration of all factors and costs is essential before making a decision.

9. Cork

Cork flooring, a unique and eco-friendly option, is gaining popularity for its numerous benefits. Crafted from the bark of the cork oak tree, this flooring is not only sustainable but also durable and comfortable underfoot. In terms of cost, cork flooring falls within the mid-range category, making it an excellent choice for those on a budget. Its durability and low maintenance requirements further contribute to its long-term cost-effectiveness. Moreover, cork flooring is easy to install, with many manufacturers offering DIY options that can save on installation costs. As a natural mould and mildew-resistant material, cork is ideal for those with allergies. It also provides good insulation, making it a soundproofing option for rooms. While considering cork flooring, factor in the cost of special sealants and finishes. Overall, cork offers a balanced combination of cost, durability, and sustainability.

10. Polished concrete

Polished concrete is a contemporary flooring solution that effortlessly combines aesthetic appeal with durability. This innovative process involves grinding and polishing concrete surfaces to achieve a sleek, glossy finish, transforming an ordinary material into a sophisticated design element. Beyond its stylish appearance, polished concrete offers practical benefits, such as easy maintenance, resistance to stains, and enhanced light reflection, making it an ideal choice for both residential and commercial spaces. With its seamless integration into modern interior design trends, polished concrete continues to gain popularity as a versatile and sustainable flooring option.


Key Factors Influencing Cost

The cost of a flooring project can fluctuate significantly based on key factors. It’s crucial to weigh these factors when selecting the right flooring for your space. Influencing elements encompass the chosen material, flooring durability, installation labour, adhesives and underlayment, special preparation requirements, and pattern complexity.

Special finishes and features, like stain resistance or decorative patterns, may contribute to the overall cost. Moreover, considerations such as traffic levels, moisture resistance, acoustics, allergens, sustainability, and ease of cleaning and maintenance should guide your flooring choice.

Different flooring materials entail diverse costs in these categories. For instance, hardwood flooring might have a higher material cost but could demand less maintenance and boast a longer lifespan compared to carpet. In essence, a thorough assessment and comparison of these factors is essential for making an informed decision regarding the cost of your flooring project.


No. Type of flooring Avg. Rate / m2
 1  Cement/sand screed  £22.00
 2  Mastic asphalt  £48.00
 3  Hardwood  £186.00
 4  Laminate  £75.00
 5  Vinyl  £38.00
 6  Tile  £70.00
 7  Carpet  £47.00
 8  Stone  £103.00
 9  Cork  £43.00
 10  Polished concrete  £135.00


Installation Considerations

When selecting a flooring option, it’s crucial to look beyond the initial cost. Installation considerations significantly impact the overall cost and maintenance of your flooring. Factors such as traffic levels, moisture resistance, acoustics, allergens, sustainability, and ease of cleaning should all be factored in. For instance, high-traffic areas may demand more durable flooring, while spaces prone to moisture may necessitate waterproof options. Additionally, assess the long-term maintenance costs associated with each flooring type. Some may require regular cleaning and upkeep, while others may be more low-maintenance. By thoughtfully evaluating these installation considerations, you can ensure that your flooring choice aligns with your needs and budget in the long run.

Comparative Cost Overview

When choosing flooring options, cost is a significant consideration for most homeowners. Striking a balance between budget and quality is crucial to making the right choice. To assist you in making an informed decision, here’s a comparative cost overview of different flooring options:

  • Budget options: Laminate, vinyl, and carpet are typically the most budget-friendly choices. However, it’s essential to consider long-term costs like maintenance and potential replacements.
  • Mid-range options: Hardwood, tile, and stone fall within the mid-range category. Despite having a higher upfront cost, they provide better durability and long-term savings.
  • Premium options: For those seeking high-end and luxurious flooring, options like concrete, cork, and specialty flooring applications such as radiant heat or outdoor spaces come with a higher price tag.

Keep in mind that the overall cost of a flooring project depends on factors like installation labour, special preparation needs, and the complexity of patterns and finishes. Consider your budget and needs to determine which option offers the best value for you.

Specialty Flooring Applications

When considering speciality flooring applications, it’s crucial to focus on specific factors. Take into account the type of space where the flooring will be installed and any unique needs or requirements.

  1. Radiant Heat: Opt for a flooring option compatible with radiant heat systems for spaces requiring heating, such as bathrooms or basements. This ensures optimal heat distribution and energy efficiency.
  2. Outdoor Spaces: Select durable flooring capable of withstanding harsh weather conditions for outdoor spaces. Popular choices include concrete or stone.
  3. Wet Areas: For spaces prone to moisture, like kitchens or laundry rooms, choose a flooring option that is moisture-resistant and easy to clean. Vinyl or tile are suitable options.

Consider these speciality applications and their associated costs when selecting the right flooring for your space. By weighing all factors, you can make an informed decision and find the best value for your money.


Selecting the ideal flooring involves weighing factors like cost, durability, and maintenance. Achieving the right balance ensures an informed decision that aligns with your needs and budget. The comprehensive guide in this article equips you with the knowledge to compare various flooring options and associated costs.

Keep in mind that opting for higher-quality flooring may involve a higher initial cost but can lead to long-term savings. Money-saving strategies, such as purchasing during sales and opting for a DIY installation, are worth considering. However, it’s essential to factor in hidden costs like the removal and disposal of old flooring when assessing the overall project cost.

Ensure you carefully evaluate key cost-influencing factors, including material, durability, and installation labour. Consider your specific requirements and preferences, such as traffic levels and aesthetics. Armed with this information, you can confidently choose the best flooring option for your budget, resulting in a durable and aesthetically pleasing space.

In conclusion, the decision-making process for flooring is vital and demands thoughtful consideration. Utilise the insights and advice from this article to make an educated choice, securing the optimal balance between durability, maintenance, and cost. Happy flooring!