If you can’t find the answers to your questions in our FAQs below, our team of experts are ready and waiting to help you.
My budget is limited. How can I afford to pay a consultant?
At Multiproject, our consulting services help you deliver your projects on time and on budget. Part of that service includes handling a considerable amount of the paperwork so you can focus your efforts on the actual construction works. This doesn’t just save you time but money too; savings which are likely to be greater than our consultancy fees.
Can you really understand my business as well as I do?
You know your project better than anyone else. We don’t pretend to be able to match that level of personal knowledge. However, our team has worked on countless construction projects with different contractors, clients, architects and designers. This breadth of experience means we’ll be able to bring fresh insights and new ideas to the table, in addition to our tried and tested methodologies, all with the goal of supporting your business.
Will I lose control over my projects?
No, definitely not. We’ll work with you and support you to carry out work regarding estimates, budgets, regulations and legal matters. All of the important decisions are still yours to make; we’ll simply provide you with tailored advice so you can make more informed decisions.
I don’t want anyone to know about my financial situation. Can you accommodate this?
We are bound by a duty of care, which includes confidentiality. If you have concerns about any aspect of a particularly sensitive project, including the financial side of things, a non-disclosure agreement can be arranged.
How can I trust that your quantity surveyors won’t put their financial gains above my best interests?
Our quantity surveyors do make money from their work but we are also running a business and running a good business means putting our clients’ best interests first. We always strive to maximise the profitability of our client’s business and build strong, positive relationships. Failure to do so would mean we wouldn’t get any repeat or new business, which is not in our best interests. So ultimately, what’s best for our clients is what’s best for us.
Propel your business growth with Multiproject
We set you on the path to growth so you can focus on driving your business forward.
Not only will we save you money, time and resources, we also help you streamline your business so you can spend your energy doing what you do best. If you’re committed to growing your business, we can help it happen. .