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Choosing The Right Tool: Budget Estimate Or Elemental Cost Plan For Early Construction Project Budget Estimating

Published: 08/24/2023
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Choosing The Right Tool: Budget Estimate Or Elemental Cost Plan For Early Construction Project Budget Estimating



We are often asked which is the best method for early-stage budget estimating in construction projects. This preliminary step is crucial in determining the viability and scope of a project. There are two predominant tools available for this task: the Budget Estimate and the Elemental Cost Plan. Each of these tools offers unique benefits and shines in different stages of a project. For an in-depth understanding, I would recommend perusing these detailed articles on Budget Estimates and Elemental Cost Plans. This article aims to provide a comparative analysis of these two tools and offer recommendations on their optimal usage in early construction project budget estimating.

Comparing the Two Tools

Evaluation of the Budget Estimate Tool

The budget estimate tool is an essential resource in the early stages of project planning and design. It allows for a preliminary assessment of the overall cost of a project. A budget estimate is based on limited project information, typically including a basic description of the project, available budget, and desired completion date. It is a comprehensive and high-level overview, intending to provide a ballpark figure for the overall cost.

This tool is particularly useful in the initial stages of a project when precise details may not be available and especially when the client and their team have not yet fully committed to the project. It allows the project team to quickly determine the feasibility of a project and whether it aligns with the client’s budget constraints. It may not provide a detailed breakdown of costs, but it offers a preliminary view and can guide early project decisions.

Evaluation of the Elemental Cost Plan Tool

On the other hand, an elemental cost plan provides a more detailed and accurate estimate of the project costs. It breaks down the project into its constituent elements, such as walls, floors, roofing, and services, and estimates the cost of each. By attributing costs to specific elements, the tool gives a more granular understanding of where the budget is being allocated. The accuracy of such an estimate varies with the level of available design detail as elemental cost plans can be produced from the initial feasibility drawings all the way till near completion of the technical design stage.

This approach is extremely beneficial during the design phase of a project when more detailed information is available. It helps architects and clients understand the cost implications of design choices, enabling value engineering exercises and informed decision-making. The level of detail an elemental cost plan provides is instrumental in managing project costs and ensuring budget compliance.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Budget Estimates

A budget estimate, as its name implies, provides a broad estimate of the potential costs of a construction project. It offers the benefit of early visibility into project feasibility. By providing a rough estimate of costs, stakeholders can determine whether the project is financially viable and make informed decisions about whether to proceed. Utilising this tool at the initial stages of a project can help avoid costly surprises further down the line.

Another advantage of budget estimates is their simplicity and speed. They do not require in-depth, detailed information about the project, which makes them an ideal tool to use in the early stages of a project when such details might not be available. Furthermore, they can be prepared relatively quickly, allowing for swift decision-making and at a low cost, allowing early assessment of a number of project opportunities before committing to any of them.

Disadvantages of Budget Estimates

However, budget estimates are not without their drawbacks. The primary disadvantage is that they are, by nature, an approximation. They provide a rough idea of the cost, but they cannot provide precise figures or detailed breakdowns. This lack of specificity can lead to discrepancies between the initial budget estimate and the actual costs, particularly as the project progresses and more detailed information becomes available.

Another disadvantage is that budget estimates may not account for unforeseen costs that may arise during the construction process. Due to their high-level nature, they may overlook certain aspects of the project, leading to an underestimation of the overall cost. This lack of detail can be a significant issue, particularly for complex projects.

Advantages of Elemental Cost Plans

The elemental cost plan, on the other hand, offers a more detailed approach to cost estimation. It provides a breakdown of costs, organised by individual elements or components of the project. This detailed approach can help project managers better understand where funds are being allocated and identify potential areas for cost savings.

One of the most significant advantages of the elemental cost plan is its ability to facilitate value engineering exercises. This refers to the process of optimising the value of a project by examining each element and determining whether its cost can be reduced without compromising its functionality or quality. This can significantly improve the cost-effectiveness of a project.

Disadvantages of Elemental Cost Plans

Despite their undeniable benefits, Elemental Cost Plans are not without their drawbacks. A significant disadvantage is the considerable amount of work required to produce them, particularly when compared to Budget Estimates. This increased workload has implications for both the turn-around time and the overall cost of the plan itself.

Also, the creation of Elemental Cost Plans typically necessitates the availability of some design drawings and early specifications. This requirement can lead to delays or difficulties if such materials are not readily available or if they need to be produced specifically for the purpose of the cost plan.

Furthermore, it’s essential to remember that, as detailed and thorough as they may be, Elemental Cost Plans are essentially approximations of the actual cost. The accuracy of these approximations is directly dependent on the level of detail in the design. Thus, if the design lacks comprehensive detail, the accuracy of the Elemental Cost Plan may be compromised.

Cost Effectiveness

Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Budget Estimates

The budget estimate tool is a straightforward, simplified system that quickly provides an overall idea of project costs. This quick turnaround could potentially save time and therefore money, especially in the preliminary stages of a project. For feasibility studies, this tool is often a go-to for many architects and clients. It offers a sense of the financial scale of the project without the need for too many intricate details. However, the simplicity of budget estimates means they are less accurate than more detailed planning methods. As such, there is often a margin for error built into these types of estimates, which can sometimes lead to either overestimating or underestimating costs.

The Investment in Elemental Cost Plans

On the other hand, the elemental cost plan provides a more detailed and accurate estimate of project costs. This method breaks down the project into its constituent parts, providing a more in-depth cost analysis. The advantage here lies in its ability to portray how costs are allocated to particular elements of the project; also, given a more detailed design, it provides a more precise estimate that can help avoid cost overruns later in the project. However, this detailed approach takes longer and requires more resources, which could increase the initial cost. It is important to remember that this investment in time and resources can be seen as preventive spending, possibly saving substantial amounts down the line in avoiding unexpected expenses.

Balancing Efficiency and Accuracy

The choice between these two tools largely comes down to a trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. Budget estimates provide a cost-effective and efficient way to estimate costs in the early stages of a project but may provide much less understanding of the costs involved than elemental cost plans. On the other hand, elemental cost plans, while more time-consuming and potentially more costly upfront, can provide a more reliable and detailed breakdown of costs.


In conclusion, both Budget Estimates and Elemental Cost Plans have their unique value and application.

The Budget Estimate frequently serves as the most suitable tool during the very early stages of a project, especially when various projects or options for a development are under consideration. It is a swift and broad tool used to establish the potential budget. At Multiproject, we can deliver Budget Estimates within 1-2 days, with costs typically ranging between £250 and £300 per estimate.

However, once a client commits to a specific project, it is generally more beneficial to prepare an Elemental Cost Plan. This approach provides a superior understanding of cost allocation and facilitates value engineering. The preparation of a cost plan typically requires about 2 weeks and costs start from £900, subject to the size, complexity, and available level of design detail of the project. It is not uncommon for multiple cost plans to be produced throughout the design development phase. These multiple iterations serve as a crucial tool for monitoring the project budget and minimising escalation.

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